Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Praise the Example of Comrade GN Saibaba!

Central Committee of the Communist Party of Brazil

October 2024

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Brazil, C.P.B., expresses its deep grief for the death of the revolutionary, democratic, intellectual and defender of the rights of the Indian people, the great internationalist Dr. Gokarakonda Naga Saibaba. We here extend our condolences to his relatives, friends and comrades of struggle, as well as all the democratic and revolutionary organizations of India, which are still struggling having him as a major reference.

The death of Dr. GN Saibaba was a cruel and coward murder slowly executed by the reactionary state of India, while in the prison of Central Nagpur, he was submitted to abject and sub-human conditions without any healthcare. The reactionary cliques headed by Modi, and imperialism, principally Yankee, supported by the complicit silence of the revisionists and opportunists who subserviently collaborated, are the accountable for this cold, brutal and premeditated crime.

The murder of GN Saibaba is part of the counter-revolutionary offensive of the reactionary Indian state against the People’s War in the country, against the CPI (Maoist), against the masses that struggle under their leadership and all those who defend the rights of the proletariat and the oppressed peoples. GN Saibaba was released only for his life had not ended in the hands of the old Indian state, the same way and method that the Italian fascists applied against Comrade Gramsci. However, nothing and no one can clean the bloodstained hands of Modi fascist government.

A Literature Professor at the University of New Delhi, GN Saibaba was also a tutor of the North Camp of this university, transforming his home into a house for students, professors and activists. He maintained the struggle against the repressive and draconian laws of the terrorist Indian state throughout the country, and fiercely defended the Adivasi peasants from police repression. In the campaign against “Operation Green Hunt”, Comrade GN Saibaba fulfilled an important role, denouncing it internationally. He hoisted very high the banner of support to the struggle of the broad and deep masses, for breaking the chains of imperialism, of semifeudality and bureaucratic capitalism, that are still struggling against the counter-revolutionary Operation Kagaar.

A notorious leader of the “Revolutionary Democratic Front” of India, GN Saibaba has inspired all the fighters with his persistence, his trust in the masses, and in Revolution. He has unconditionally supported the struggle for the liberation of political prisoners and determinedly acted in the formation of a “Committee for the Release of Political Prisoners (CRPP)” in his country in 2008. GN Saibaba sought to convert the ideas he believed in into concrete facts, defeating all the obstacles with determination and courage. Nothing related to the masses was indifferent for him, and with his abnegated, honest, work of high purposes and deep love for the people, he became an example to be followed by the masses and revolutionaries.

He personified the example of the best sons of the Indian people and the international proletariat by fulfilling a decisive role in the defense of the proletariat and the oppressed peoples, not only in India, but in the whole world. GN Saibaba has directly supported the struggle of the oppressed peoples and nations against imperialist domination and their reactionary followers, conscious of the opening of a period of new revolutions in the world. And embodying the powerful cause, he broke all his physical limitations into insignificant shards. GN Saibaba was indeed a true giant, with strong and firm arms and legs, able to walk long distances and travel the world, struggling against imperialism and all reaction, making both tremble only with the thunder of his voice and the light of his conviction.

Chairman Mao stated that the correct criteria to distinguish the truly revolutionary intellectuals from the fake and traitorous ones is to compare the practice of both. The revolutionary intellectuals, differently from their contraries, are always ready to integrate with the peasants and workers masses; and, without any rancidness of vanity, continue transforming themselves, releasing their bourgeois world outlook little by little, to achieve the communist proletarian world outlook and serve the revolution in his country and the World Proletarian Revolution.

The life of comrade Saibaba is an example of a true revolutionary intelectual, in whom one can trust and that served much for the cause of communism. As a consequent anti-imperialist, GN Saibaba hasn’t spared efforts to serve the people wholeheartedly, in the struggle for their liberation, without hesitation and any coward reserve, until his last breath.

Gifted with a special temper, GN Saibaba knew how to defeat the enemies of the people, even when the Hindutva-fascist government imposed him with very harsh prision conditions, with a vengeful purpose, for ten years of imprisonment. The criminal and murderous reactionaries found in him an impenetrable fortress, which, on the contrary to bending himself before the enemy, he raised his voice against them and turned his harsh conditions imposed on him into an even firmer and confident decision of living and struggling. As a true anti-imperialist, his first words when out of the prison were addressed, full of emotion, to the Heroic Palestinian Resistance.

The popular masses organized and armed by the CPI(Maoist) and by the Marxist-Leninist-Maoists of the whole world will avenge his death and his name wil be forever written in the sacred altar of the heroes of the proletariat and the oppressed masses of the whole world.

As a true internationalist, GN Saibaba was a dear friend of the Brazilian Maoists and of our revolution. The communists and masses in our country will forever hold in their hearts the shining example of his life. In the great battles approaching, the greatness of his decision, of his boundless ability of sacrifice, his indomitable spirit are an endless source of inspiration for the iron legions of the proletariat that will destroy the old and expired order to build a new world.

Denounce the murder of GN Saibaba!

Long live the New Democratic Revolution in India!

Long live the World Proletarian Revolution!

Eternal Honor and Glory to GN Saibaba!