Comrades of the Communist Party of Peru!
Combatants of the People’s Guerrilla Army!
Peruvian People!:
We are living through historic events, each of us knows this is to be the case. Let us not fool ourselves. In these moments we must ready all our foces to confront difficulties and to continue accomplishing our tasks and conquering our goals, successes and victory! This must be done.
We are here as the sons and daughters of the people and we are fighting in these trenches, this is also part of the combat, and we do this because we are Communists! Because we defend the interests of the people, the principles of the Party, and the People’s War. That is what we have been doing, and will continue to do it!
We are here in these circumstances. Some think that this is a great defeat. They are dreaming! We tell them to keep on dreaming. It is simply a bend, nothing more! A bend in the the road. The road is long and we shall arrive to our destination. We shall triumph. You shall see it!
We must continue with the tasks laid down in the Third Plenum of the Central Committee. A glorious Plenum! These accords are already being carried out. We will continue to implement the Fourth Plan of Strategic Development of the People’s War to Conquer Power, we will continue to develop the Sixth Military Plan to Build the Conquest of Power. That will continue! That is our task. We will carry it out because of what we are and because of our responsibility we have with to the proletariat and the people.
We should continue the tasks established by the III Plenum of the Central Committee. A glorious Plenum. You should know that these accords are already being implemented and that will continue. We shall continue applying the IV Plan of Strategic Development of the People’s War to Conquer Power, we shall continue developing the VI Military Plan to Build the Conquest of Power, that will continue, that is our task. We shall carry it out because of what we are and because of the obligation we have with the proletariat and the people.
We clearly state that today, the democratic road has begun to unfold as a road to liberation, as a road of people’s liberation. These are the circumstances in which we are developing. We should examine this with a sense of history. Le us stop closing our eyes, let us us look at the truth. Let us look at the history of Peru. Let us look at the last three centuries of Peru. We should think about it. Look at the l8th century, the l9th century, the 20th century and understand their lessons! Those who don’t understand this history will remain blind and cannot serve the country.
We believe that the 18th century was a very clear lesson. Let’s examine this. There was one dominator. It was Spain, and where did that bloodsucking domination bring us? To a very deep crisis, and as a result Peru was divided. From there come the origins of today’s Bolivia. This is not our invention, it is a fact.
Then, in the last century: British domination. Where did their contention with France lead us? To another great Crisis. The 70s of the last century. The result? War with Chile. We must not forget this! What happened? We lost territory. In spite of the blood spilled by the heroes and the peple, our nation suffers defeat and a great split. We must draw a lesson! The 20th century. How are we doing? In the 20th century we are dominated by imperialism, principally U.S. imperialism, this is real and everyone knows it. And has this lead us? Except for the 1920’s emembering the l920’s, here and now to the worst crisis of the entire history of the Peruvian people. Drawing a lesson from the past centuries, what can we think? Once more the nation is at risk, once again the territory is in danger. It could easily be lost to foreign interests. This is the situation. They brought us up to this point. But we have a new reality, a Peruvian revolution, a People’s War, it continues and will continue to advance. What stage have we advanced to? To a strategic equilibrium! This we must understand well. It is a strategic equilibrium that is being consolidated in a essential situation. What have these twelve years of People’s War shown? It shows to the world, and specially to the Peruvian people people that the old Peruvian state, is a paper tiger. It is rotten to the core. This has been demonstrated!
This being the case, let us think about the danger that the nation, the country, may be divided. The nation is at risk. They want to dismember it, they want to divide it. Who wants to do this! As always, the imperialists, those who exploit, those who rule. What should we do! What is our task now? It is time that we push forward the People’s Liberation Movement that we must develop through the People’s War because the people, it has always been the people, who have defended the country, who have defended the nation. The time to organize the People’s Liberation Front has arrived. It is time to constitute and develop the People’s Liberation Army taking as a basis the People’s Guerrilla Army. This is what we are doing now and that is what we shall do. You gentlemen shall be the witnesses.
Finally, listen to this. As we see in the world, Maoism is marching relentlessly forward to lead the new wave of the world proletarian revolution. Listen well and understand. Those who have ears, use them. Those who have understanding –and we all have it– use it! Enough nonsense! Enough confusion! Understand this! What is unfolding in the world? What do we need! We need Maoism to be a living force, and this is happening. We need Maoism to generate Communist Parties to lead this new great wave of the world proletarian revolution that is coming. From everything they told us, where is the the famous, empty and silly chatter of “new age of peace?” That is a lie. What about Yugoslavia? What about the other places? Everything has been politicized. Today there is one reality, the same contenders of the First and Second World War are preparing a Third World War. We should know this and we, as the sons of an oppressed country, are part of the booty. We cannot consent to this! Enough imperialist exploitation! We must finish with them! We are of the third world and the third world is the base of the world proletarian revolution, with one condition, that the Communist parties brandish and lead! That is what we must do!
We believe the following; Next year will be the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao. We must celebrate these 100 years!, and we are organizing it with the Communist Parties. We want a new manner, a celebration which will be the conscious comprehension of the importance of Chairman Mao in the world revolution and we shall begin the celebration this year and we shall finish next year. It will be a grand process of celebration. I want to take advantage of this opportunity to salute the international proletariat, the oppressed nations of the world and the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement.
Long live the Communist Party of Peru!
The people's war will inevitably win!
We salute from here the future birth of the People's Republic of Peru!
We say: Glory to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!!
And finally we say: Honor and glory to the Peruvian people!!