Proletarians of all countries, unite!

Long Live March 8, International Women’s Day!

Lima Base of the Communist Party of Peru

Peru, March 8, 20131

This naturally requires that we carry on systematic work among the women. We must teach the awakened women, win them over for the proletarian class struggle under the leadership of the Communist Party, and equip them for it. When I say this I have in mind not only proletarian women, whether they work in mills or cook the family meal.

I also have in mind the peasant women and the women of the various sections of the lower middle class. They, too, are victims of capitalism…

— Lenin

We begin by expressing our greetings to our dear and respected Chairman Gonzalo, our leadership; conscious and voluntary subjection to our Basis of Party Unity (BPU), the foundation that guides all our action; conscious and voluntary subjection to the CPP, to the present leadership forged and made by our leadership, to all its system of leadership; salute to the People’s War that against all odds is maintained, defending the New Power with blood and fire, the torch of hope of the proletariat and the Peruvian people. Commitment to demolish and sweep away the sinister new revisionism of the revisionist and capitulationist ROL2 and the Left Opportunist Line (LOL), spawn of imperialism, mainly Yankee imperialism.

On this date we pay solemn, elevated and heartfelt communist homage to comrade Norah, the greatest heroine of the Party and the Revolution. A firm anti-revisionist, an example of persistence, of swimming against the tide, of overcoming difficulties, together with Chairman Gonzalo she was a member of the red faction of the 1960s and 1970s. She broke into IAS 803 with actions such as Chuschi and others; great organizer, example of merging with the deep and profound masses. Creator and forger of the Popular Women’s Movement. Member of the First Marxist Congress of the Party… her example is everlasting.

We also pay tribute to Comrade Jiang Qing, member of the red faction, together with Chairman Mao Zedong. Promoter of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR). Firm fighter against revisionism. She gave her life in prison, when the fascist counter-revolutionary coup of Deng Xiaoping accused her of being part of “the gang of four,” an infamous hoax. She was always leftist.

Comrades, companions in these two great women, proletarian, communist summits. In the CPP, Comrade Norah, and in the CPC, Comrade Jiang Qing, are the highest expression in the process of the World Proletarian Revolution. We also pay homage to communists and revolutionaries, a pleiad like Comrade Krupskaya, Comrade Lenin’s partner, Comrade Rosa Luxemburg, Comrade Edith Lagos, Comrade Yobanka Pardavé, Comrade Janet Talavera, etc. although they did not reach the stature of the first ones, they have a transcendent role.

Comrades, companions in the study, research and understanding of women and their condition, Marxism deals with the feminine problem in relation to property, the family and the State (the triple oppression. Linked to the State is the institution of the Church or religion) since in the historical process, it is intimately linked to these three issues: we reiterate private property, family and State. Already Engels in his masterly work: The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State establishes this.

José Carlos Mariátegui, our founder starts from the semi-feudal and semi-colonial character of Contemporary Peruvian Society (CPS) to judge the situation of women, and that the problem is not of gender (man or woman), but rather class. Class character.

Moreover, Chairman Gonzalo, establishes for us the semi-feudal and semi-colonial character of CPS where bureaucrat-capitalism unfolds, and tells us:

…through the economic incorporation of women, capitalism set the basis for their economic autonomy; but capitalism by itself is not capable of giving formal legal equality to women; in no way can it emancipate them; this has been proven throughout the history of the bourgeoisie, a class which even in its most advanced revolution, the French Revolution of the 18th century, could not go further than a merely formal declaration of rights…

the later development of the bourgeois revolutionary processes and the 20th century show not only that the bourgeoisie is incapable emancipating the masses of women, but with the development of imperialism the bourgeois concept as regards the feminine condition becomes more reactionary as time goes on and in fact confirms the social, economic, political and ideological oppression of women, even if it disguises and paints it in a myriad of ways.4

This is the objective, real cause of the growing oppression and exploitation of women; from women who work in agro-export or agro-industrial companies as agricultural proletariat, in textile manufacturing, in the mining industry; to the mainly poor peasant women, who many times are forced to plant coca leaves to survive, the women who work in Gamarra, or in factories such as the ones owned by the Añaños,5 or Telefónica, and others, for the mere fact of forming unions to defend their rights they are fired, or those of the commercial center workers who receive miserable salaries, passing through the domestic workers who are overexploited and many times sexually abused, the public employees, those of the class-conscious and combative teachers, the university women, the real courageous mothers who, by pounding the dust and sand of the slums, have generated survival organizations such as the soup kitchens and the Glass of Milk Committees [Comités de Vasos de Leche], etc. But mainly we must always mobilize the poorest of the poor women, because oppression and exploitation fall hardest on them.

The three mountains: mainly Yankee imperialism, bureaucrat-capitalism, and semi-feudalism generate their “female icons”: Nadine Heredia Yankee agent, goddaughter of Hilary Clinton; la Villarán (directly responsible together with Humala for the massacre of the Parada) revisionist, opportunist pro-imperialist servant, fervent rabid against the Party and the People’s War, just as was her midwife (both from the ex-UL6) the SIE agent María Elena Moyano, corrupt with the people’s money and directly responsible for the arrest and death of several comrades. And so Keiko, L. Flores, L. Alcorta, all that pack of reactionaries, cover themselves up in their “female condition,” to hide their class character, to unmask them thoroughly. To fight them. They promote a “bourgeois feminism,” that just as in the 1950s oriented the struggles towards suffragism, (the vote for women, was a conquest but it is not a means for the real transformation of women) today they spread the false idea that by getting votes and parliamentary positions their rights are vindicated, that is false; they want together with the R. and C. ROL (Movadef),7 the LOL and other revisionists and opportunists to channel the women’s movement towards parliamentary cretinism. Elections, no!! People’s war, yes!!

History teaches us: In the French Revolution we can already clearly see how the advance of women and their retreat are linked to the advances and retreat of the people and the revolution. This is an important lesson: the identity of interests of the women’s movement and the popular struggle, as the former is part of the latter.

What do we see? On the one hand: the Party and the People’s War in a difficult and complex bend. On the other hand, a development of fascism.

What is the situation of women? In addition to the aforementioned economic and social base; the reaction promotes “the deficient condition of women” is “just a commodity,” so we are one of the countries with the highest rate of sexual violence against women in the world, the increase of prostitution including child prostitution, trafficking and slavery of women, organ trafficking; the so-called “family violence” (machismo) that also the rates of “femicide” are high, one of the highest in Latin America, etc.

Thus, women are a social product, and their transformation requires the transformation of society. The true emancipation of women is intimately linked to the emancipation of the proletariat and the Peruvian people, that led by the CPP under the Great Leadership of Chairman Gonzalo, developing the People’s War, we seize power country-wide, establishing the People’s Republic of Peru, and through successive cultural revolutions we will arrive at communism.

Long live Chairman Gonzalo, leader of the party and the revolution!

Uphold, defend, and apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought, principally Gonzalo Thought!

Long live the Communist Party of Peru!

Down with the fascist, genocidal, and country-selling Humala regime, the most faithful pro-yankee lackey as of today!

Long live March 8, international women’s day!

Honor and glory to Comrade Norah, the greatest heroine of the party and revolution!

For the emancipation of women, develop the People’s War!

Elections no! People’s war, yes!

Against the recall referendum, don’t vote!

Long live the invincible People’s War!

Long live Maoism! Down with revisionism!


  2. RedLibrary: ROL stands for Right Opportunist Line.↩︎

  3. RedLibrary: IAS 80 stands for Initiation of Armed Struggle–1980. Acronym in Spanish is ILA 80.↩︎

  4. RedLibrary: Marxism, Mariátegui, and the Women’s Movement.↩︎

  5. RedLibrary: The Añaños family is a capitalist family that founded Ajegroup, a beverage company based in Peru.↩︎

  6. RedLibrary: “UL” stands for United Left.↩︎

  7. RedLibrary: “R. and C.” stands for Revisionist and Capitulationist.↩︎