Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Central Committee of the Communist Party of Peru
The Communist Party of Peru is based on and guided by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism and, specifically, by Gonzalo Thought as a creative application of the universal truth to the concrete conditions of the Peruvian revolution, as made by Chairman Gonzalo, leader of our Party.
The Communist Party of Peru, organized vanguard of the Peruvian proletariat and integral part of the international proletariat, especially upholds the following basic principles:
Contradiction as the only fundamental law of the incessant transformation of eternal matter;
The masses make history and “it is right to rebel”;
Class struggle, dictatorship of the proletariat and proletarian internationalism;
The need for a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Communist Party that firmly applies independence, autonomy, and self-reliance;
Combat imperialism, revisionism, and reaction unbreakably and implacably;
To seize and defend power with the people’s war;
Militarization of the Party and concentric building of the three instruments of the revolution;
Two-line struggle as the driving force of Party development;
Constant ideological transformation and to always put politics in command;
Serve the people and the world proletarian revolution; and,
An absolute selflessness and a just and correct style of work.
The Communist Party of Peru has communism as its final goal; given that the current Peruvian society is oppressed and exploited by imperialism, bureaucrat-capitalism, and semi-feudalism, the revolution has first a democratic stage, then a second socialist one that will later develop successive cultural revolutions. Presently with the people’s war the Party develops the democratic revolution, having as its immediate goal to seize power countrywide. Because of this we raise the following objectives:
Demolition of the Peruvian State, the dictatorship of the exploiters led by the big bourgeoisie, and of the armed forces and forces of repression that sustain it and of all its his bureaucratic apparatus.
To sweep away all imperialist oppression, mainly Yankee, and that of Soviet social-imperialism and of any power or imperialist country. In general to confiscate their monopolies, companies, banks and all forms of their property including the external debt.
To destroy bureaucrat-capitalism, private as well as state owned; to confiscate all their properties, goods and economic rights to benefit of new state, as well as those belonging to imperialism.
Liquidation of semi-feudal property and everything subsisting on it, in the countryside as well as in the city.
Respect the property and rights of the national bourgeoisie, or middle bourgeoisie, in the country as well as in the city.
Fight for the setting-up of the People’s Republic of Peru, as a united front of classes based on the worker-peasant alliance led by the proletariat headed by its Communist Party; as a mold for the new democracy that carries forward a new economy, a new politics, and a new culture.
Develop the people’s war that, through a revolutionary army of a new type under the absolute control of the Party, destroys the old power a piece at a time, mainly their armed forces and other repressive forces. This serves to build the new power for the proletariat and the people.
To complete the formation of the Peruvian nation, truly unifying the country to defend it from all reactionary and imperialist aggression, safeguarding the rights of the minorities.
To serve the development of the Peruvian proletariat as part of the international working class, and the formation and strengthening of real Communist Parties and their unification in a revived international Communist movement guided by the Marxism-Leninism-Maoism; all as a function of the proletariat fulfilling its great historical mission as the final class.
To defend the freedoms, rights, benefits, and victories that the working class and the masses have achieved at the cost of their own blood, recognizing them and guaranteeing their authentic enforcement in a Declaration of the Rights of the People. To observe, particularly, the freedom of religious conscience, but in its widest sense, of believing as not to believe. Also to combat all arrangements harmful to the popular interest, especially any form of unpaid work or personal burden and the overwhelming taxes imposed on the masses.
Real equality for women; a better future for the youth; protection for the mothers and the children; respect and support for the elderly.
A new culture as a combat weapon to solidify the nation, that serves the popular masses and is guided by the scientific ideology of the proletariat. Special importance to education will be given.
Support the struggles of the international proletariat, of the oppressed nations, and of the peoples of the world; fighting against the superpowers, the United States and Soviet Union, imperialism in general, and international reaction and revisionism of all types, conceiving the Peruvian revolution as part of the world proletarian revolution.
Struggle tenaciously and heroically for the complete victory and of the democratic revolution nationwide and after completing this stage, at once, without pause, to begin the socialist revolution so that, together with the international proletariat, the oppressed nations and the peoples of the world, through cultural revolutions, will continue the march of humanity towards its final goal, communism.
But considering that the democratic revolution in the country crosses a period characterized by:
Deepening of the general crisis of Peruvian society, mainly of bureaucrat-capitalism;
Greater reactionarization of the State, today with an APRAist government, fascist and corporativist, headed by the genocidal García Pérez;
Sharpening of the class struggle, with the masses accepting more and more the need for combating and resisting;
The people’s war developing vigorously and growing; and,
The people’s need for a People’s Republic built according to the principles of New Democracy.