Peru People's Movement (Reorganization Committee)

October 2018

The Peru People’s Movement (Reorganization Committee) calls for a boycott of the regional and municipal elections to be held on October 7.

On May 17, 1980, the people’s war was initiated to put an end to the old order of exploitation and create a new world that is truly for the people, as the existing one is only one of increasing misery and oppression.

In the complex and difficult situation of the bend with more people’s war, the general reorganization of the party is being carried out to overcome the bend and the inflection and to give new impetus to the people’s war. The people’s war from its inception to date has not stopped for a moment, because the life of the Party can never be stopped. Our people’s war burns victorious against everything that the traitors of both the R and C ROL1 headed by the rat Miriam and those of the R and C LOL2 headed by the rat José say, against the silence and the profane and cynical campaign of reaction and imperialism, because as Marx taught, “the flag of armed revolution will never be lowered until communism.” This is the solemn promise of our Leader, Chairman Gonzalo, and of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP), which on October 7 celebrates the 90th anniversary of its founding by J. C. Mariátegui.3 Long live the invincibility of the people’s war! Long live the 90th anniversary of the founding of the PCP!

The PCP with people’s war defends the life of our Leader and, linked to it; with its organization generated for the party work abroad, the MPP (CR)4 and the Maoist Parties and Organizations of the world, have been raising more the international campaign for it, crushing each one of the hoaxes that the enemy mounts.

The fascist, genocidal and fatherland-selling regime now headed by the pawn of Yankee imperialism, Vizcarra,5 applies the three reactionary tasks that are a necessity of Yankee imperialism in the economic field, seeking to re-impulse bureaucrat-capitalism, but it goes from failure to failure like his predecessor, the Yankee Kuczynski.6

As for the restructuring of the old State. It is rotten to the core, nobody can save it. The old State and the outdated Peruvian society it represents and defends is only sustained by inertia and force of arms, and is being demolished part by part by the people’s war.

The so-called CNM videos7 show not only the rottenness of the judicial and prison system, but also of the whole system, starting with the Executive, its genocidal Armed Forces and police, the high state bureaucracy, general secretaries and advisors, the Legislative, its businessmen, etc.

Today, under the pretext of fighting corruption in the PJ8 and MP,9 the fascist, genocidal and fatherland-selling Vizcarra has launched a “white glove coup d’état” against the parliament, under the threat of closure he has forced it to approve four “political reforms” and a referendum to modify the “Constitution of 1993” in those four points, with which it pursues the greatest fascist centralization of power in the Executive, legitimizing itself through the “referendum” as part of the reactionary plan of “the two hundred years” (2021 will be the 200th anniversary of the so-called independence from Spanish colonial power), which is nothing more than the extension applied to the new circumstances of imperialism’s plan of the “self-coup” of 1992.

Furthermore, with the story of the fight against corruption, he seeks to manipulate the masses to apply more fascism and more cuts in rights and to launch his anti-people packages; submitting the PJ and the MP, he tries to evade his responsibility in the more than 25 accusations that weigh on his head for corruption linked to the sale of the country as regional president and as minister of his Yankee patron Kuczynski and all that remains of what he has put up for auction.

This government continues with the plan to annihilate the people’s war, it is promoting more repressive laws against the people and the most profane repression and genocide against our people is already underway as we see in the VRAE.10 The Party with the masses of our people will defeat all their plans and campaigns. That regime, together with imperialism and the miserable rats of the right opportunist line (ROL) and the LOL, both revisionist and capitulationist, fabricate their counter-revolutionary hoaxes to slander Chairman Gonzalo, the PCP, and the people’s war.

They could not, and no one will be able to, defeat the people’s war led by the PCP; this one confronts them more brilliantly, more firmly; because we have Leadership, superior ideology, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought, Communist Party, People’s Liberation Army, new Power and the masses of our people.

This outdated system of Peruvian society, semi-feudal and semi-colonial, in which a bureaucrat-capitalism mainly subjected to Yankee imperialism is developed, thus discharges the most brutal oppression and exploitation against our people; each new government has increased the sale of the country, hunger and misery of the majorities as part of the genocide against the people; therefore, as a product of the general crisis of the old society, thousands of Peruvians are forced to leave the country and emigrate abroad.

Today Yankee imperialism and Peruvian reaction with its so-called “new government,” pretend to wear a new face, trying to present itself as legitimized by the people through a rigged “referendum,” behind which it tries to hide the true face of this regime and of the one who heads it, to cover up its true fascist, genocidal and country-selling plans, to manipulate the masses with the story of democracy while unleashing its most unbridled fascist anti-parliamentary propaganda as Fujimori did before the so-called “self-coup”; but they will end up, just the same, sinking deeper and deeper with their rotten old reactionary State.

That electoral process has as its protagonists real reactionary, opportunist and revisionist merchants who offer gold and silver, pure demagogy, empty words, to try to deceive the people once again; they cannot and have not the slightest intention of complying. They are representatives of the big bourgeoisie, the landlords and imperialism; they, despite their differences in form and means and how to use them, uphold and defend fundamentally similar aims and goals. All of them lead their parties very personally and caudillo-like, which expresses the crisis of the parties that sustain the old order. This now more than ever, which can be seen in the numerous candidacies, all of them of reactionary, miserable and shameless characters, some with old revisionist masks behind the Yankee pawn Vizcarra, others try to present themselves as “opposition,” but in the end they call to legitimize these elections in the face of the rejection of a large part of the people.

The people can expect nothing from all the candidates and lists, without exception, but on the contrary, whoever is elected will be, from the regions or municipalities, one more piece of that gear, the old landlord-bureaucrat State at the service of imperialism, mainly Yankee, and will be an accomplice of this government, which is even hungrier, more genocidal and more of a sell-out than the previous one.

What will the people gain from the elections? Nothing will be gained with the electoral renewal of regional and municipal authorities. Nothing, other than to serve to legitimize the current government that came out of a change of president by means of an agreement between the parliamentary majority of Popular Force,11 APRA, opportunism and revisionism with a sector of the Executive headed by Vizcarra, so that the regime can go ahead in the face of the Yankee Kuczynki’s scandal. Elections are good for nothing, nothing but more misery, more blood and more country-selling.

The landlord-bureaucrat dictatorship of the old Peruvian State needs elections for the renewal of authorities, to choose those who must continue to oppress the people. The regional and municipal elections of 2018, like all elections, are presented and developed as a defense of the outdated existing order and evolution of Peruvian society. These elections serve the hegemonist and counterrevolutionary plans of the sole gendarme, Yankee imperialism, which needs “legitimized” authorities in “defense of democracy,” to better guarantee the implementation of its plans; that is the political objective of imperialism in its war against the people’s war.

Then, why vote? No, we cannot vote because voting is to endorse the plan of reaction with a view to 2021 onwards; this will be as it has always been until we put an end once and for all to this old history by means of the people’s war and conquer power throughout the country, establishing the People’s Republic of Peru. Moreover, to vote is to serve the plans of Yankee imperialism and to endorse its spawn of “legitimized authorities” through the sacred elections (which are fraud through and through).

What all of us who want our country to be transformed have to push for is that the people reject the electoral process, because only with the people’s war can the people solve their problems and needs, under the leadership of the proletariat, through their Party; only in this way can they sweep away this vile system that lives on the hunger and blood of the masses; there is no other way. It is with the Concrete Program of the PCP (4 x 4) that we can really unite the people:

Let us apply the boycott as the policy of hindering the elections, undermining them and preventing them wherever possible, as the tactic of using the elections as a function of developing the people’s war to seize power throughout the country. As Chairman Gonzalo tells us, the voice of order is simple and concrete: Do not vote! And the slogan is clear and resolute: Elections, no! People’s war, yes!

Long live Chairman Gonzalo!

Long live the Communist Party of Peru!

Long live the 90th anniversary of the founding of the PCP!

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought!

The people’s war will inevitably win!