Peru People's Movement

September 4, 2021

The Peru People’s Movement with deep internationalist emotion joins in the deep sorrow of the comrades of the Construction Committee of the Maoist Communist Party of Galicia, the proletariat and the Galician people, as well as the comrades of Red Dazibao for the loss of their comrade and leader Martín Naya on the 3rd of this month.

We make our own the words of the Galician comrades: “The Galician proletariat in particular, and the international proletariat in general, lost one of the most important figures of Maoism in the last 40 years, a great connoisseur of the work of Chairman Mao and Chairman Gonzalo, as well as of all the revolutionary movements of the past and present, at international level, he was a true master of the masses and a tireless organizer and militant, he was known as Miguel Alonso to the international proletariat, writing numerous articles on Maoism, making great contributions to the ideological and two-line struggle in the ICM, always forceful and many times polemic, but always with respect to the comrades and open to correct their mistakes, as Chairman Mao taught us.”

Eternal honor and glory to Comrade Martín Naya!!!

Comrade Martín Naya, Present in the struggle!

Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism!!!

Long live the World Proletarian Revolution!!!