Proletarians of all countries, unite!

To the Current of the People Red Sun and its General Assembly

Peru People’s Movement

January 20251

To the Comrades of the Current of the People Red Sun and its General Assembly in Oaxaca on the 18th of this month,

Dear comrades, the Peru People's Movement, the organization generated by the Communist Party of Peru for work abroad, armed with the almighty ideology of the international proletariat, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism, and armed with the creative, scientific, and true application, Gonzalo Thought, we salute the international proletariat, the peoples and oppressed nations of the world, and likewise we fervently salute the Mexican proletariat and people. The Mexican people are a heroic people, that from its inexhaustible creative force, drives on the terrain of the class struggle its fierce fight against the sinister plans being developed by this outdated bureaucrat-landlord state that is falling apart through the reactionary government of Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo. We salute all the members of the Current of the People Red Sun and all the attendees to this great event and wish them the greatest success in the task.

We wish you much success in your Rectification Campaign and in the outlining of the route towards your Second Congress. We consider the issues to be dealt with by your General Assembly to be of utmost importance, not only for Mexico, but for all of us. Above all we are very interested in its "analysis of the international and national situation, where the main trend is revolution, marked by the rise of class struggle of the proletariat and the national liberation struggle of the oppressed peoples in the face of the general crisis of imperialism that worldwide has brought to the fore wars of aggression, dispossession, subjugation and super-exploitation against the workers and peoples of the world; as well as the structural crisis of bureaucratic capitalism in Mexico that results in corporatization, militarization and imposition of anti-people's policies for the profit of the parasitic classes in power. It is right to rebel!"

Comrades and revolutionaries of Mexico, we salute you for your relentless struggle to embody and apply Maoism to the tasks of the revolution in your country. Its undefeated and red flag flies defiantly before the black plans and infamous objectives of imperialism, reaction, and revisionism. The red flags are undefeated, waved in unison by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and is today the basis of ideological and political unity, an indestructible weapon to fight and crush imperialism, reaction, and relentlessly revisionism from the face of the earth.

We join in the tasks and instructions of your General Assembly:

Let's deepen our Rectification Campaign!

Towards the Second Political Congress!

Lets build the People's Front!


And we add:

Long live the International Communist League!

Long live the armed struggle of resistance of the Palestinian people, the people of Lebanon, Yemen, and other peoples of the Middle East against the aggression of imperialism, mainly Yankee imperialism, Zionism, and reaction!

