Peru People's Movement

May 2024

The Peru People’s Movement, the generated organization of the Communist Party of Peru for party work abroad, expresses its optimistic and wholehearted salutation to the CPT/ML (Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist) for the 51st anniversary of the sacrifice of its glorious life, on May 18, 1973, by comrade İbrahim Kaypakkaya. He founded the CPT/ML on April 24, 1972, as the vanguard of the proletariat in Turkey for the liberation of the workers of Turkish, Kurdish and various other nationalities. He crushed the revisionism of the old CPT and was the initiator of the road of people’s war.

Comrade Kaypakkaya made the red trembling flag of armed struggle serve the revolution in Turkey and thus serve the world revolution, placing at the top the unfading flags of Marx, Lenin and Chairman Mao, three flags of victory that will always remain firmly in the hands of the international proletariat of which the communists of Turkey are a vibrant part.

As highlighted by the CPT/ML:

Comrade İbrahim built the founding foundations of the CPT/ML with a shape suitable for the country’s revolution. The understanding that the communist vanguard who would lead the People’s War, which is the revolutionary strategy required by the semi-colonial, semi-feudal social and economic structure, should have a warrior character was clear to the Leading Comrade. While establishing the Party based on this approach, he also started the guerrilla war, which was the jugular vein of the People’s War, in Malatya and Dersim. He shouldered the leadership of the Party responsible for commanding the war. He took a position in line with the understanding of organizing the Party in war. The guerrilla forces of the comrade, who were located in Dersim, one of the centers of the war and one of the dry steppes, were under siege by fascist forces in January 1973. In this siege, comrade Ali Haydar Yıldız joined the caravan of immortals. Comrade İbrahim managed to get out injured from the enemy encirclement. However, on January 29, he fell into the hands of the enemy due to the role of an informer in the village where he took refuge. He was under intense torture from the enemy from January 29 until May 18, when he was murdered.

He faced months of brutal torture with an extraordinary attitude focused on protecting his cause, his comrades, the people and the revolutionary line. Comrade İbrahim grasped the understanding the class struggle at the most advanced level and he challenged all mediocrity. His attitude towards torture is an ideological and political attack against fascism and an attitude of organizing the revolution against the ruling classes. In his defense and letters, every word is measured and there is an approach that aims to raise the cause of communism. Comrade İbrahim responded to the tortures of fascism by raising the revolutionary line, relying on the consciousness and science that would build the cause of people’s liberation and communism until his last breath. At the age of 24, he joined the caravan of immortals by creating the basic theoretical framework, building the Communist Party, and writing the manifesto of being shaped by the revolution.


Comrade İbrahim’s legacy is undoubtedly in our hands today. As his successors, we accept that we still cannot approach his method and scientific attitude that dominates reality, looking at our reality in the class struggle and our inability to resolve the contradictions. However, we look for our shortcomings and failures not in distrust of his line, but in the inadequacies and weaknesses we experience in dominating and advancing the class struggle. This brings us to the knowledge of persevering in the line and being shaped with the awareness that Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the greatest weapon we have in overcoming this inadequacy.

Today, we, basing ourselves on Comrade İbrahim, are struggling to set a barrier against reformism, constitutional illusions, “impotent power” chatter, and theories of gradual development with opportunities within the order, theories which are not addressing the real problems and principles of the revolution and the revolutionary tendencies of the masses.

We strongly embrace the position from Comrade İbrahim that a Party without a warrior character cannot survive under the conditions of our country and continue the work with determination. We are positioned with the awareness that the growing anger of the masses, their power to destroy and build, is shaped by the tendencies and attitudes of the most advanced and active segments today. We continue to carry the flag we inherited from Comrade İbrahim, by examining the political and social contradictions and the tendency to find direction, our own situation and the situation of the enemy, and insisting on the right place and the right line with our 52 years of experience.

On this 51st Anniversary of the glorious sacrifice of his life by Comrade İbrahim Kaypakkaya we join the slogans of the CPT/ML, raising our voice we say: