This is a list of works typeset by RedLibrary and affiliates, but do not belong in the other categories on the home page. A few select works have an HTML version.
- A Letter to a Comrade on Our Organizational Tasks - V. I. Lenin [HTML Version] [Paperback Version]
- A Proposal Concerning the General Line of the International Communist Movement - The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China [Paperback Version]
- Brief Explanatory Notes on the Distorted Facts of Lucanamarca in the People’s War of Peru - The 2nd Right Opportunist Line of the Communist Party of Peru
- Class Standpoint Against Drugs - Serve the People (Norway)
- Cuba: Fictional Socialism and Real Capitalism - Workers' Revolution Newspaper, Organ of the Communist Workers' Union (mlm)
- Death to Barbie and Bourgeois Feminism - Popular Women's Movement [HTML Version]
- Dialectical and Historical Materialism - J.V. Stalin [HTML Version]
- Enver Hoxha Refuted - N. Sanmugathasan
- FRANCE: It is Right to Rebel! - Peru People's Movement [HTML Version]
- Great Successes of the Cultural Revolution - Pedro Pomar [HTML Version] [Paperback Version]
- Historical Background of Turkey - Unknown, Likely TKP/ML
- Hugo Chavez, The Social Fascist of Venezuela - El Pueblo
- Interview with a Member of the Iraqi Communist Party-Central Leadership - Iraq-Info, February 1971 [HTML Version]
- Interview with Serve the People (Vietnam): Communists in a Revisionist Country - Valley of Pomars Study Group [HTML Version]
- Interview with the Roten Bund - Roten Post [HTML Version]
- Long Live the 37th Anniversary of the Day of Heroism! - Peru People's Movement
- Long Live the 43rd Anniversary of Our Victorious and Invincible People's War! - Peru People's Movement
- Long Live the Victory of People's War! - Lin Biao [HTML Version] [Paperback Version]
- Mariátegui on the Woman Question: A Compilation of Works - José Carlos Mariátegui [Physical Copy]
- Marxism and Guevarism - José Núñez in Contradiction
- Marxism and Problems of Linguistics - J. V. Stalin [HTML Version] [Paperback Version]
- Nicaragua: 40 Years of Revolution? - Workers' Revolution Newspaper, Organ of the Communist Workers' Union (mlm)
- Notes on the Political Economy of Cuba: Burn Down the Cane Fields! - Rudi Mambisa in A World to Win [HTML Version]
- Notes to Demarcate with Bourgeois and Petty-Bourgeois Feminism, Opposing a Class Line in the Women's Struggle - Miguel Alonso (Martín Naya) [HTML Version]
- On Araguaia - Pedro Pomar [HTML Version]
- [NOTE REGARDING NAMES] On Exercising All-Round Dictatorship Over The Bourgeoisie - Zhang Chunqiao
- On Guerrilla Warfare - Mao Zedong
- People's War in Peru: Frequently Asked Questions - Peru People's Movement and The New Flag
- "Post-modernism" and feminism: individualism and relativism at the service of imperialism - Popular Women's Movement (Brazil) [HTML Version]
- Postmodernism in the Imperialist Country - Red Guards Charlotte [HTML Version]
- Prostitution: New Forms, Old Oppresssion - Popular Women's Movement (Brazil) [HTML Version]
- Revolution is the Only Solution for Women's Oppression - Peru People's Movement
- RIM Committee Statement in Support of the Uprising in Palestine - The Committee of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement [HTML Version]
- Six Essays on Philosophy - Mao Zedong, compiled by Condemned 2 Win Publications [HTML Version]
- Some Ideological Problems of Revolution in Latin America - Central Committee of the Communist Party of Brazil [HTML Version]
- The 13 Years of People’s War in Nepal - Revolutionary Front for the Defense of People’s Rights (FRDDP) [HTML Version]
- The August Incident: The Struggle Against the Right Opportunist Line in the Workers’ Party of Korea - Tjen Folket Media
- The Communist Party of Peru and Maoism - Peru People's Movement [HTML Version]
- The Conference on the 50th Anniversary of the Assassination of İbrahim Kaypakkaya - Peru People's Movement
- The Counter-Revolution in Hungary in the Light of Marxism-Leninism - Gyula Kallai
- The Development of the Popular Women's Movement in Peru - Peru People's Movement
- The Feminist Demands - José Carlos Mariátegui [HTML Version]
- The Historical Experience of the War Against Fascism - Renmin Ribao
- The Path of the People's War in Peru After the Capture of the Central Committee - Nucleus of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Studies (NEMLM), A Nova Democracia [HTML Version]
- Thesis: Two Roads in the Student Movement - People's Revolutionary Student Movement (Brazil) [HTML Version]
- The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism - V. I. Lenin
- The Woman and the Politics - José Carlos Mariátegui [HTML Version]
- Why be Favorable to Hamas? - Paula Lima Gomes [HTML Version]
- Yugoslav Revisionism is Just What U.S. Imperialism Needs - Kang Sheng