Communist Party of Peru Works
The following is a list of English translated works and statements of the Communist Party of Peru (CPP). This is not all of their works, there are many works that have not been translated to English or are not available online.
Many other translations were retrieved from the old website of the Peru People's Movement and The New Flag, which has an archive available here.
[JD] stands for Joint Declaration
Comparison of Online Resources for Legitimate CPP Works
CPP Image Archive
Bases of Discussion of the General Political Line
Fundamental Documents
Many of these works were retrieved in Spanish from (No HTTPS, Beware)
Works After the Usurpation of The Central Committee (2012-Present)
- Long Live the 130th Anniversary of the Birth of Chairman Mao! - August 2023 [Web Version]
- Unmask the Yankee Imperialist Plan Against Peru and other Latin American Countries - January 2023, Lima Base Committee [Web Version]
- [JD] Eternal Glory to Chairman Gonzalo! - September 2022 [Web Version]
- [JD] Raise the Red Flag of the Paris Commune as a Weapon of Combat! - March 18, 2021
- [JD] 200th Birthday of Frederick Engels: International Declaration - November 28, 2020 [Web Version]
- To the International Proletariat and Peoples of the World! To the Proletariat and Heroic Peruvian People! Long Live the 91st Anniversary of the Heroic Fighter, The Communist Party of Peru! - October 7, 2019
- Long Live Chairman Gonzalo and his Almighty Thought, Shining Light and Maoist Roar - September 2019
- Everything Except Power is Illusion! - June 2019, Reorganization Committee
- The Spark that Ignited the Prairie on May 17th, Comrades, Never Went Out - May 2019, Reorganization Committee
- Long Live the 84th Anniversary of the Birth of Chairman Gonzalo and the Day of the People's Liberation Army - December 2018, Reorganization Committee
- Long Live the 90th Anniversary of the Communist Party of Peru! - October 7, 2018
- Message from the CPP Addressed to the MPP(CR) on the Occasion of May 1st, International Day of the Proletariat - May 2018
- Long Live March 8th, International Women's Day! - March 2018 [Web Version]
- In Memory of Norman Bethune - February 2018 [Web Version]
- The PLA, Under the Absolute Direction of the CPP, Pledges to Continue Fighting Together and United With The People - February 2018, People's Liberation Army
- Gonzalo Thought is People's War Until Communism! - January 2018
- Long Live the 38th Anniversary of the People's War. Learn from Chairman Gonzalo, Embodying and Applying Gonzalo Thought! - 2018
- Brief Note from the CPP to MPP(CR) - November 2017
- One Hundred Years of the Triumph of the Socialist Revolution led by the great Lenin and Long Long Life to our Dear Chairman Gonzalo!! - October 25, 2017
- Communist Greetings for the Dates and the Month of Red October - October 2017
- We Denounce the Black and Crude Counter-revolutionary Campaign of the Media Against our Beloved and Respected Leader Chairman Gonzalo - September 2017
- Message of the CPP Against the Parties of the Sellouts and Genocides Headed by the Yankee Kuczynski - July 28, 2017
- Greetings from the CPP for the clear message of the Anti-imperialist alliance in the Resistance against G20 - July 2017
- Everything Comes Together, The People Protest and Forcefully Raise Their Struggle - June 2017, People's Liberation Army
- Note From the People's Liberation Army - May 27, 2017, People's Liberation Army
- Long Live the 37th Anniversary of the Invincible People's War! - May 17, 2017
- Long Live March 8, International Women's Day! - March 8, 2017
- Communication from the CPP to the MPP (CR) - March 2017
- Long Live The 88th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of Peru! - October 2016
- Long Live Chairman Gonzalo, Creator and Forger of the People's Liberation Army! - December 3, 2013
- Long Live March 8, International Women's Day! - March 8, 2013, Lima Base [Web Version]
- Conversations with Comrade Laura in the Bases of the Vizcatán Mountains - 2012 [Web Version]
Works Before the Usurpation of the Central Committee in 1999 (1968-1999)
- The Speech by Our Great Leadership is a Weapon of Combat that Shines Victoriously and Powerfully Before the World - September 1999, Central Committee [Web Version]
- Unite the People Against the Fascist, Genocidal and Country-Selling Dictatorship, Developing the People’s War Further! - June 1998, Huallaga Base
- Unite the People Against the Fascist, Genocidal and Country-Selling Dictatorship, Developing the People’s War Further! - February 1998, Central Committee
- Peruvian People! People of Alto Huallaga! The Communist Party of Peru Once Again Denounces the Genocidal Politics and the Sinister Persecution of the Prisoners of War and Their Families as Part of the Genocidal Politics of the Peruvian State - 1998, Huallaga Base
- Struggle Relentlessly Against Capitulation! Unmask and Liquidate the Traitors! Unmask and Crush the Psychological Warfare Campaign of the Reactionary Fascists! - 1998, Huallaga Base
- Note on the Political Situation - June 1997, Central Committee
- Political Report - May 1996, Central Committee
- Notes to Characterize the Regime as Fascist: Political Demonstration - February 1996, Central Committee
- Overcome the Bend in the Road, Developing the People's War! - September 1995, Central Committee
- Prepare the Strategic Offensive through the Building of the Seizure of Power - January 1995, Central Committee [Web Version]
- Instructions - June 1994
- Message to the MPPs, Committees of Support and Solidarity, Sol Peru Committees, Emergency Committees, Communist Parties, Progressives and Revolutionaries of the World, and Members of the R.I.M. - May 20, 1994, Lima Base
- Peace Accords: Reactionary, Liquidationist, and Divisive Slander - March 20, 1994, Northern Regional Committee
- General Political and Military Line February 1994, Central Committee
- Long Live Chairman Gonzalo and His All-Powerful Thought! - February 1994, Central Committee
- Reaffirm the Base of Party Unity! - February 1994, Central Committee
- International Directive of the Communist Party of Peru - December 1, 1993, Central Committee
- Declaration - October 7, 1993, Central Committee
- Long Live Maoism!: Resolution - August 1993, Central Committee [Web Version]
- Accords - August 1993, Central Committee
- Resolution - December 1992, Central Committee
- Third Plenum of the Central Committee: Central Document - March 1992, Central Committee
- Third Plenum: Meeting of the Central Leadership with the Northern Regional Committee - March 1992, Central Committee
- Report of the Meeting of the Central Leadership with the Cangallo-Fajardo Regional Committee - 1992, Central Committee
- On the Rectification Campaign Based on the Study of the Document Elections, No! People's War, Yes! - August 1991, Central Committee
- Directives of May for Metropolitan Lima - May 1991, Central Committee
- Second Plenum of the Central Committee: Building the Conquest of Power in the Midst of People's War - February 1991, Central Committee
- Preparatory Session of the Second Plenum: Outline of the Strategic Plan of Construction of the Report: Build the Conquest of Power in the Midst of the People's War - February 1991, Central Committee
- Fundamentals of Political Ideology - 1991, Central Committee
- [Untranslated, Spanish Link] On the Two Hills
- Elections, No! People's War, Yes! - May 1990, Central Committee [Web Version]
Fundamental Documents
- On Marxism-Leninism-Maoism - 1988 [Web Version]
- Concerning Gonzalo Thought - 1988, Central Committee [Web Version]
- Program and Statutes - 1988, Central Committee [Web Version]
Bases of Discussion of the General Political Line
- Bases of Discussion of the General Political Line - 1988 [Web Version]
- International Line - 1988 [Web Version]
- Democratic Revolution - 1988 [Web Version]
- Military Line - 1988 [Web Version]
- Line of Building the Three Instruments of the Revolution - 1988 [Web Version]
- Mass Line - 1988 [Web Version]
- On Chairman Mao's Thesis "Three Worlds Delineated" - 1988, Chairman Gonzalo [Web Version]
- Report of the First Congress of the Communist Party of Peru on the Study and Taking the Position of the Fundamental Documents - 1988
- Speech on the Document "Concerning Gonzalo Thought" - 1988, Chairman Gonzalo [Web Version]
- Glory to the Day of Heroism! - June 19, 1987, Prisoners of Canto Grande
- GLORY TO THE DAY OF HEROISM! - June 1987, Central Committee and Chairman Gonzalo [Web Version]
- To Give One's Life for The Party and The Revolution! - June 1987, Chairman Gonzalo
- Philosophy Seminar - March-April 1987, Chairman Gonzalo [Web Version] [Paperback Version]
- Develop the People's War to Serve the World Revolution - August 1986, Central Committee
- Day of Heroism: Resolution - June 1986, Central Committee [Web Version]
- Don't Vote! Instead, Expand the Guerrilla Warfare to Conquer Power for the People! - February 1985, Central Committee
- Conclusions of the Armed Struggle Process - March 1984 [Web Version]
- Let's Develop the Guerrilla Warfare! - March 1982, Central Committee [Web Version]
- Long Live the Armed Struggle of our People! Down with the Reactionary Hoax! - September 8, 1981
- To our Heroic Fighting People - January 1, 1981, Central Committee
- Towards Guerrilla Warfare! - August 24, 1980, Expanded Central Committee
- We Are the Initiators - April 19, 1980, First Military School [Web Version]
- We Begin to Topple the Walls and Unfold a New Dawn - March 28, 1980, Chairman Gonzalo
- Procedure for Celebrating Marriages Before the Party (or Before the New State) - Year Unknown (Between 1980-1999), Central Committee
- Concerning Three Chapters of our History - December 3, 1979, Chairman Gonzalo
- Develop the Growing People's Protest! - September 1979, Central Committee
- For the New Flag - June 7, 1979, Chairman Gonzalo
- Against Constitutional Illusions, for the State of New Democracy! - April 1978, Central Committee
- Adhere More Firmly to Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought and Raise the Flags of Mariátegui Even Higher! - May 1977, Central Committee
- Long Live the Communist Party! - May 1977, Central Committee
- Develop the Building, Principally of the Party, Based on the Armed Struggle - May 1977, Central Committee [Web Version] [Paperback Version]
- Voz Popular 6: We Uphold the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution! - December 1976, Central Committee [Paperback Version]
- Eternal Glory to Chairman Mao Zedong! - September 10, 1976, Central Committee
- The Peasant Problem and the Revolution - August 1976, Central Committee
- On Party Building - August 1976, Central Committee [Web Version]
- Eternal Glory to Comrade Zhu De! - July 12, 1976, Central Committee
- Condolences on Comrade Zhou Enlai's Death - January 14, 1976, Central Committee
- Let us Retake Mariátegui and Reconstitute his Party - October 1975, Central Committee
- Marxism, Mariátegui, and the Women's Movement - April 1975, Central Committee [Web Version] [Paperback Version]
- The National Question - 1974, Central Committee (Chairman Gonzalo)
- Latin America: People's War - May 1970, Central Committee
- China's Artificial Satellite is a Great Victory of Mao Zedong Thought - May 1970, Central Committee [Web Version]