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Communist Party of Peru Works

The following is a list of English translated works and statements of the Communist Party of Peru (CPP). This is not all of their works, there are many works that have not been translated to English or are not available online.

Many other translations were retrieved from the old website of the Peru People's Movement and The New Flag, which has an archive available here.

[JD] stands for Joint Declaration

Comparison of Online Resources for Legitimate CPP Works

CPP Image Archive

Bases of Discussion of the General Political Line

Fundamental Documents

Many of these works were retrieved in Spanish from BanderaRoja.org (No HTTPS, Beware)

Works After the Usurpation of The Central Committee (2012-Present)

Works Before the Usurpation of the Central Committee in 1999 (1968-1999)



Fundamental Documents

  1. On Marxism-Leninism-Maoism - 1988 [Web Version]
  2. Concerning Gonzalo Thought - 1988, Central Committee [Web Version]
  3. Program and Statutes - 1988, Central Committee [Web Version]

Bases of Discussion of the General Political Line


